Most used Web Search Engines on the Internet in the world

By Justin Alexa 11 Min Read

Internet search engines have allowed us to have a large amount of information at our fingertips with just a few clicks.

The problem is that the majority, beyond Google, are unaware of all the options that exist online to search for information and make purchases.

In this post I am going to tell you which are the most used Internet web search engines and I will tell you a little about each one of them.

The most used Internet search engines in the world

Although the most used and popular is the Google search engine, there are many other alternatives that you may not be aware of.

And in case you didn’t know, depending on our search intention and the subject on which we want to find information, a search engine will give us better results than others.

Let’s see them one by one:

Google’s search engine

Although it is logical and I have already mentioned it, I put Google’s web search engine in first place as it is the most used and popular search engine in the world.

It occupies almost 70% of the totality compared to the rest of the search engines.

And it receives hundreds of millions of queries every day.

This has caused Google Ads to be one of the advertising platforms most used by professionals and companies, who invest their money bidding to appear in the first results above their competition.

In addition, the results will match the keywords that we have used in our query and understanding this is essential for any SEO consultant.

Bing search engine

Created by Microsoft, it stands out for being the great rival of Google, with almost 13% of use worldwide.

It is a good alternative as it offers many search services and products.

Plus, it can be used in a ton of different languages ​​and countries.

Bing allows you to get immediate answers on finances, sports, shopping, etc.; local information (current traffic, list of companies, restaurants…); videos and images.

A curiosity of this search engine is that its background image changes daily. They are usually from important places around the world and when you hover over them, it gives us information about the place.

Another of its strengths is that it allows you to integrate the Microsoft Office package, as well as Hotmail, add-ons and other plugins.

Baidu web browser

It is the most popular search engine in China.

Like other search engines such as Google, it has complementary products such as Baidu Maps (web mapping services), Baidu Tieba (forum), Baidu Knows (questions), Baidu Yun (cloud software service) and Baike Baidu (encyclopedia).

What stands out the most is that it allows you to search for audio files in different formats, with very precise results.

It is a good alternative, especially for finding out very specific information and making very extensive inquiries or questions.

This advantage is due to the integration with Yahoo Answer (questions and answers from Yahoo!).

Also, it includes Yahoo Finance (financial information), Yahoo Weather (weather forecast), Yahoo Local (commercial information) and Flickr, where most of its images come from.


It is the most used web browser in Russia and the first one with support for DNSCrypt.

Like the major search engines, it has its own marketing and analytics tools.

It stands out for its web security tools, such as DNS phishing protection and Wi-Fi protection.

Ask’s search engine

It was the first question and answer type Internet search engine.

It is still widely used, mostly by Americans. Its interface is simple and easy to use.

Currently it focuses on responding to user queries, so it works more like a help portal.

Its interface is simple and allows you to find information, images, videos and news on the web.

In addition, it includes a tab to order the results by date (last day, week or month) and another to carry out secure searches.

Duck Duck GO

At the time, it grew a lot in popularity thanks to its data protection policy.

Its strong point is that it respects the privacy of its users, since it blocks advertising trackers, keeps search history private, and does not use data through cookies.

It uses search engines such as Bing and Yandex to show the results to users privately.

Another of its peculiarities is that it is open source, and it only shows one ad for each query.

Wolfram Alpha

It is not at all like the search engines we are used to, since it does not show the results in a SERP.

The results it shows are direct, in the form of data and facts based on the question.

It is very useful for knowing scientific data, preparing mathematical papers, writing academic reports, etc.

It’s quite smart, it will surprise you for sure.


It is a metasearch engine that combines the Yahoo and Google engines to display results quickly.

It allows you to activate search filters, see related keywords and direct results of images, videos, news and music related to the search.


Analyze the results of the Google, Yahoo and Yandex engines, to show the most relevant information to the user.

Therefore, it returns a large volume of information related to our query.

In it you can use search filters, categorization, preferences and recent searches.

It also allows you to install a toolbar in Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.


If you highly value your privacy and are tired of cookies and Internet ads, this is your ideal metasearch engine.

Its great advantage is that it uses Google results while respecting the privacy and data of the users.

Starpage does not store personal data and allows you to view query results anonymously.

It also does not save previous searches, and eliminates tracking cookies (those used to display ads related to your interests).


Allows you to view content that is censored by most search engines.

In addition, it ensures the privacy of the user, since it uses an anonymous proxy for searches.

The Ecosia search engine

Did you know that a search engine can be ecological? To your surprise, there are also “green” alternatives to searching the Internet.

Ecosia is considered as such, since it neutralizes all CO2 emissions from its servers, offices, infrastructures and user devices.

The process comes from the hand of its partner Myclimate, through the carbon offset project.

In addition, it donates 80% of its income to non-profit organizations in charge of planting trees.

They are transparent in terms of their financial reports and respect user privacy (they do not sell data to third parties and allow you to search anonymously).


Do you want to try something different? Exalead enriches the results with statistics, tips, suggestions, and categorical and geographic information.

It offers the possibility of searching with language filters, file type, geographic location, categories, etc.


Unlike Google, Factbites sets aside link popularity to focus on content quality when presenting results.

It collects information from online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia, and includes the AskTheBrain and NationMaster tools.

Kiddle Web Browser

This browser was created especially for children.

It is completely safe and reliable, since it censors results with explicit, sensitive or misleading content.

In addition, it does not collect personal data from users and deletes their records every 24 hours.


Its database consists mainly of its own users. To obtain more personalized results, a plugin must be installed in the browser.

The information it collects, according to its creators, is anonymous and cannot be traced.

The way to classify the results (relevance) is based on the time that each person spends visiting each website, and the number of times that its users have visited the site.

It could be said that its algorithm is “more human than machine”.


His way of displaying the results is quite curious.

Returns a list of results (in the form of windows) with the preview of each website.

We can maximize the preview of each one of them to see if we are interested or find what we are looking for.

It saves time by not having to click on each website link to review your information.


This search engine claims that it does not collect personal data, track its users, or personalize search results.

His way of sorting results is different from most and very visual.

Split web results, news, social media reactions, images, videos, and products for sale separately. So you only have to click on the category that interests you the most.

Justin alexa
Justin Alexa

Justin Alexa is a seasoned blogger and professional writer with expertise in AI, cybersecurity, mobile, computers, and more. Explore the tech world with Justin's insightful and accessible articles, keeping you informed and inspired in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Join him on a journey of discovery, where complex tech concepts become clear and captivating.

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